There are many film financers who invest in small budget regional film like Bhojpuri, Tamil, Kannada, Odiya and Telugu films. The Bhojpuri film becomes ready in very low budget, so finances like investment in Bhojpuri films. Bhojpuri films completed in Rs. 30 to 35 lakh minimum.
Bhojpuri film " Tohra Pe Dil Kurbaan" (2015) was made in Rs. 15 lakh only, which is minimum budget movie. This film earned Rs. 72 lakh on box office.
So, the financers like investment in Bhojpuri film due to low budget and high return. Here is list of some famous film financers in Mumbai.
Mr. Alok Ketan Shah
Mr. Ashutosh Agrwal
Mr. P. Ganesh Reddy
M/s Sai Film Production House
Mr. Zia Karim Khan
Mr. Kamlesh Pandey
Mrs. Geeta Lal
Mr. Venkatesh Ramiya
Mr. T.M. Chndraswami
Mr. Manoj Rai
M/s Vinod Films
M/s New Vision Films
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